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Rural transport initiative supported by Story Homes

June 2014

Story Homes is supporting a rural transport initiative for residents in Workington.

Cairns Chase, Stainburn

Cairns Chase, Stainburn

The Rural Wheels Service is a community transport scheme for the provision of door-to-door transportation in rural areas of Cumbria, managed by Cumbria County Council.

Rural Wheels provides door-to-door transport for people who do not have, or are unable to access scheduled transport.  The service can be used for a variety of purposes including:

  • Making connections with buses or trains
  • Doctor, Dentist or Optician appointments
  • Visiting friends or family in hospital
  • Shopping
  • Visiting friends or family

The first payment towards the Rural Wheels service has been made on behalf of new residents at Story Homes Cairns Chase development in Stainburn, Workington. The Community Transport Contribution of more than £17,000 is being paid in instalments as the Cairns Chase development progresses over the next five years. The support from Story Homes will ensure that the Rural Wheels service will benefit residents moving to the new development as well as those already living in the area.

Cairns Chase is a stunning development of 150 high quality and high specification new homes. Work started on the development, off Moor Road, started in late 2013. The first residents are due to move in throughout the Spring and Summer of 2014.

For more information about Rural Wheels click here.