Almost fifty hi-vis, hard hat wearing children visited Story Homes’ Eden Gate development at Houghton on Wednesday 10 February.
The children from Houghton Primary School visited the new development as part of their topic for this term on ‘houses and homes’.

Children from Houghton Primary School at Eden Gate
The group of four to seven year olds were given a tour of the building site, looking at the different stages of building a new house by Story Homes Site Manager, Mark Irving. They were then treated to cuddles with our Builder Bear mascot in the stunning show home.
Head teacher Lindsey Burnie said: “The children were all really looking forward to visiting a working building site and looking at all the different materials used to build a house. They’ve been learning about all sorts of different houses that people live in and how they are built so to see a house being built for themselves has really helped to bring it all to life.”
Site Manager, Mark Irving commented: “Our Eden Gate development it progressing well and we’ve already got some of the houses occupied which is very satisfying to see. We’re always happy to work with schools and communities nearby our sites and show them what we’re doing.”
Eden Gate provides a superb collection of 2, 3, 4 or 5 bedroom houses in a beautiful village location with excellent local amenities.