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3 things to love about The Emmerson

October 2022

We asked our customers, Zara and James, what they loved most about their 4-bedroom townhouse, The Emmerson, and here’s the top 3 things they chose:

1. The spacious living area at the back of the house with skylights and bi-fold doors

“We love the large living area at the back of the house. This room feels so light and spacious. We have made this into a living/dining room. It’s a great space for entertaining and relaxing.”

2. The top floor has a large main bedroom with an en-suite

“The fact the main bedroom and en-suite takes up the entire third floor makes it feel really luxurious. It means the second floor is completely free for us to make the rooms into a study, dressing room and still have a guest bedroom!”

3. The wide range of choices to personalise the home as well as the storage space

“We love all the choices we were able to make, especially in the kitchen. We added extras like an integrated microwave and washing machine. The fact that they are integrated makes the kitchen feel neat and tidy. Being able to personalise the colours and materials of worktops, cupboards and floors makes the kitchen feel immediately your own.”

We also asked Zara why they choose The Emmerson over another house type, here’s what she had to say…

Read the full customer case study here.