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Hosting bonfire night

October 2020

We’re all getting used to hosting more in our homes, with many local and national restrictions limiting the activities we can do outside.

Bonfire night is nearly here; normally this would be spent outside in the crowds at a local gathering, watching fireworks and lighting sparklers wrapped up warm in our cosy knits. This year however, it will be spent differently – with little to no group events taking place, why not host those in your bubble and celebrate in the comfort of your own home?

You can dust the cobwebs off your garden furniture, bring out some chunky throws and set the scene with candles, fire pits, outdoor lights and – if it’s safe to do so – some fireworks in your garden. If not, you can have plenty of fun spelling your name and creating shapes in the air with sparklers!


You don’t have to pull out all the stops to create a nice, cosy atmosphere. You can use candles and lanterns to light up the space around your seating area and if you don’t have a firepit, you can create a child-friendly version with fairy lights instead of flames. Have plenty of throws and cushions on hand too, great for warming up as it gets cooler.


With bonfire night comes many fun treats, some of our favourites are toffee apples, toasted marshmallows, and cheese boards with plenty of mulled wine and cider. Not forgetting hot chocolate, the perfect treat to warm your cockles while watching fireworks or as the evening draws to a close.


Are you planning to host bonfire night in your Story home? Tag us in your pictures, @storyhomes – we’d love to see! If you haven’t got the space to host this year and are thinking of a new home for 2021, why not take a look at a Story home? Our homes come with bi-fold or French doors, paved patio areas, turf and an outdoor light – perfect for hosting. Start your search below:


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