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International Women’s Day 2024 – Q&A with Hayley Blair

March 2024

We spoke to Hayley Blair, our Sales & Group Marketing Director, who answered some questions to celebrate International Women’s Day and Women in Construction Week.

What’s your career journey at Story Homes looked like?

“I joined the business as a Sales Executive, and from there my career progressed to Sales Manager, Head of Sales, Regional Sales Director and lastly, Sales & Group Marketing Director. My current role is centred around the development and implementation of multi-channel sales and marketing strategies.”

You’ve worked at Story Homes for 18 years – what’s been your proudest achievement in that time?

“One of my proudest achievements to date is the development of my teams, both of which are recognised as being high performing. It’s been incredibly rewarding to watch these individuals grow, and be recognised for their efforts.”

What’s your favourite thing about your role?

“I love the creative elements of my role. Especially when it comes to developing and showcasing our product. For example, this could include working with our Group Design team to continue to improve our product, designing our show homes or exploring digital marketing advancements.”

What do you feel is the biggest challenge for a woman working in a largely male dominated industry?

“Personally, I don’t feel or acknowledge any difference. I believe everyone should have, and does have, the same opportunity to contribute and succeed.”

What’s the best piece of career advice you’ve been given?

“The best piece of advice I’ve been given, and would give, is to be organised. Effective time management, delegation where possible, and regular progress checks all improve my efficiency.”

This year’s theme for IWD is #inspireinclusion. What does this mean to you?

“For me, inspire inclusion is all about supporting and empowering women to aspire towards leadership roles.”