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Why you should choose a new build Story Home

January 2019

Choosing to buy a new build home has many advantages over an older property, ranging from financial benefits to the opportunities for personalising your home. Here is why you should choose a Story Home in 2019…

Create the home of your dreams: you’ll be investing in a brand new home, which is a blank canvas ready for you to put your own stamp on every room. Once reserved you can also personalise your kitchen and bathrooms, and choose to upgrade certain elements.

There’s no need for costly refurbishments, as your new home has been built with high quality materials and will be ready to move into as soon as you are handed the keys.

You don’t need to worry about excessive maintenance: as everything is new the likelihood of needing to repair or replace items in your home is minimal, plus you benefit from a new build home warranty, all included in the price.

Save money on bills: new build homes are more energy efficient than older ones. Well-insulated roofs, double glazed windows and efficient appliances mean lower utility bills and a warmer home during winter.

You can have peace of mind with a Story Home as you are covered by a 10-year warranty. In the first two years you will be looked after by our Aftercare team, and following this your structural warranty will be handled by your warranty provider.

Throughout the build of all of our homes we carry out rigorous quality checks, as does your warranty provider, so you can rest assured that your new home has the seal of approval before it is handed over to you.

What are you waiting for? Make 2019 the year you secure your dream Story Home.

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