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Popular ‘YouTubers’ review our Cumbrian show homes

November 2022

Come and take a tour around our show homes with ‘YouTubers’, Elliot & Matt.

Their popular YouTube channel, with over 12,000 subscribers from all over the world, is known for reviewing a range of UK new build developers by taking a tour around their show homes and giving their opinion on the space, quality and specification.

They’re a vibrant and authentic couple who have grown a loyal and engaged audience and we were excited to hear what they thought of a Story home.

Elliot & Matt YouTube Influencers

We invited Elliot & Matt to visit two of our Cumbrian show homes, The Pennington at Greystoke Fields in Greystoke and The Milford at Brougham Fields in Penrith. These homes are two of our most spacious 5-bedroom house types and really showcase the open plan living and high-quality specification we offer in all of our homes.

Not only were they impressed with the quality and finishes of our homes, they also highly praise the interior design throughout the videos which is thanks to our partner, Show Business Interiors, who furnish and style our beautiful show homes.

To find out what Elliot & Matt thought of our show homes, click the videos below. We hope you enjoy their tours as much as we did!