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Story Homes creates 250 jobs in North West homes push

February 2016

Story Homes is set to create more than 250 construction jobs in the region – after opening a new regional HQ in Chorley — and securing planning permission on various sites across the North West.

Story Homes has a growing number of residential projects in the region, with a number of new homes either already under construction or well advanced in the planning process.

Almost 50 full time staff — from sales to planning — will be taken on over the next months the bulk of whom will be based in Chorley, and a further 200 jobs for sub-contractors and key trades are expected to be created.

“We have significant plans to expand our operations, and have a particular strategic focus on Lancashire,” says newly appointed north west MD Sue Warwick. “This activity represents a massive expansion into new territory and will create a whole host of construction jobs.

“We are already building on two sites but we have several others where we have plans to start work in the coming months and naturally we will need to attract high quality people to bring these plans alive. We are eager to take on high quality people and to work with sub contractors who share our ethos — they will be able to grow with us.

“In 2015-16 Story Homes is projected to deliver more than 550 properties to the market. We aim to increase this to around 1000 properties by 2018.”

There are already projects under construction in Lancashire at High Wood and Galgate near Lancaster, Cottam and Kirkham. Others in Clitheroe, Wrea Green, and Hambleton are set to follow before the end of this year, while a number of other projects are in the planning phase. Story Homes is also looking at potential developments in Manchester and Cheshire.

For more information on careers with Story Homes visit our dedicated webpages here.