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Story Homes drives recruitment with launch of new microsite

July 2015

Story Homes has launched a new recruitment microsite this week as part of a wider recruitment drive.

The launch of the site comes as a white paper issued by consultants EC Harris has revealed that construction companies will need one million new recruits by 2020 if the industry is to build the homes the country needs.

Story Homes is currently looking to recruit a number of roles in the North East and across the North of England. It expects to recruit around 50 people this year significantly expanding its teams in the North East and North West.

Helen McGuinness, HR Advisor at Story Homes, said: “We are investing heavily across all areas of our recruitment at the moment from apprenticeships to employee training – this new microsite is a further extension of that.


Left to right: Helen McGuinness, HR Advisor, Fran Stott, Head of HR and Shelley Hayward, Learning and Development Manager

“Story Homes is in a period of rapid growth and as a company we are conscious of the need to employ the best people to support that growth.

“Our new microsite offers future employees the opportunity to discover more about the company, and what we offer our workforce, in addition to displaying current vacancies across the company.

“Graduates can also discover what opportunities are available to them as part of our new graduate training programme.”

According to EC Harris, the construction industry employs 1.5 full time workers per home each year, with 120,000 more needed to achieve production of 230,000 units per annum.

But, because of growth elsewhere in the industry and high levels of retirement, the number of new workers the construction sector will need by 2020 is one million.

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