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Plans approved for 139 new homes in Middlesbrough

September 2017

We are pleased to announce that our plans to build 139 new homes in Middlesbrough have been approved by Middlesbrough Council.

The Council has granted permission for our detailed proposals to build the high quality new homes as part of a wider joint planning application for 299 homes on the site.

The development, which will be based on land at Stainsby Hall Farm, will feature a mix of house types, including detached and semi-detached homes and a number of affordable properties.

It connects to our existing development, Kingsbrook Wood, which launched in summer 2014 and comprises 126 homes.

The scheme also includes delivery of a landscaped country park area, for the benefit of both local people and new residents.

Richard Newsome, Planner at Story Homes North East, said: “We are delighted that Middlesbrough Council has recognised the quality of our proposals and granted detailed planning permission. As well as creating a sustainable and integrated development that will make an important contribution to Middlesbrough’s housing supply, it will also deliver economic benefits back into the local area by supporting existing local businesses and employing local subcontractors and suppliers.

“Our Kingsbrook Wood development has been very popular since it launched three years ago, and we expect the high demand to continue for homes on this extension at Stainsby Hall Farm. We look forward to starting the initial works on-site this month and bringing more of our high quality homes to families in Middlesbrough.”

We submitted the planning application in early 2017, following consultation with local residents and stakeholders who had the opportunity to make suggestions and comment on the proposals.

Full details of the application can be viewed on Middlesbrough Council’s website using the application reference 17/0045/FUL.