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Story Homes to provide a life-changing week for two Cumbrian teenagers

February 2016

This February half-term, two lucky students from Trinity School in Carlisle are spending a week with Story Homes to gain significant insight into the world of work as part of the Centre for Leadership and Performance’s Dream Placement Scheme.

The week long placement differs from the usual type of work experience as the focus is on leadership. This will give the students valuable knowledge and skills in understanding how business leaders work and the challenges they face.

Becky Robertshaw and Jake Evans were up against over a hundred other 16-18 year olds from schools and colleges across Cumbria, hoping to be chosen for the 30 Dream Placements available at different organisations.

Story Homes were keen to take part in the scheme again after the success of last year’s placement. James Costin, 17, of Dearham spent both February half-term and his summer holidays working with Story Homes and after impressing the senior management team, secured a position as a Finance Apprentice.

James would certainly recommend the Dream Placement scheme to others and he’s looking forward to meeting Becky and Jake and talking to them about what they can expect to get out of the experience.

Story Homes HR Advisor, Helen McGuinness has helped co-ordinate the week long programme. She said: “We’ve got another fantastic mission for the students to complete this year. They will be presented with two pieces of land and working with our different teams, they must understand the opportunities, constraints, market and commercials for each piece of land. At the end of the week they will present their recommendations in the board room on the piece of land they think we should progress with. It’s not an easy task but one which will offer a challenge as well as a chance to showcase their different skills and talents.”

For more information on the Dream Placement scheme visit the Centre for Leadership Performance website here.