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Technology prize helps student research her dream career

February 2016

A local student is celebrating after winning an iPad Mini through a Story Homes careers competition.

Tabatha O'Keefe

Tabatha O’Keefe

Tabatha O’Keefe, 18, was the winner of the #whenigrowup competition, aimed at encouraging youngsters to consider the wide variety of careers in the construction industry.

Tabatha, of Wigton, Cumbria, was at the Carlisle Skills Fair in January 2016 when she stopped by the Story Homes stand to chat to the team about the opportunities available.

She said: “My whole college class was at the event and I was hoping to find out more about the local opportunities available to help me decide on a career when I finish my course.”

Tabatha is currently studying at Newton Rigg College in Penrith and is in the first year of a two year level 3 Diploma in Public Services.

Tabatha added: “At the fair, I picked up lots of information from different local businesses and I like the idea of a business type role such as business administration. My tutor at the college is going to help me decide on the best career for my skills.

“I was really surprised to hear that I had won the iPad and I will be using it to do some research for my course and to help with course work.”

Story Homes was the main sponsor of the annual Carlisle Skills Fair event, hosted by Carlisle MP, John Stevenson. The MP was also joined by Government Skills Minister Nick Boles, who also took part in the competition. Mr Boles revealed that despite a successful career in politics, he originally wanted to be a zookeeper!

Skills Minister Nick Boles

Skills Minister Nick Boles

To find out more about career opportunities at Story Homes click here.