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The Sunday Times British Homes Build Quality Awards 2012 – Sydney Gardens Lockerbie

September 2012

Story Homes won Premier Guarantees Medium Development of the Year for our Sydney Gardens development in Lockerbie last year and then went on to be awarded ‘Developer of the Year’.

This success means Story Homes development at Lockerbie goes forward to the Sunday Times ‘British Homes Build Quality Awards and goes up against two other winning house builders in the ‘Medium Development of the Year category against winning sites chosen by LABC Warranty and National House Building Council (NHBC) – all three bodies (Premier Guarantee, LABC and NHBC) make up the leading warranty providers in the UK. Today we find out if we have been successful.

Sydney Gardens is an attractive development and only 2 4-bedroom properties remain. Please contact our Summerpark development in Dumfries on 01387 259146 or 07966 496184 for further information and arrange to view.

Story Homes attends Sunday Times award for new houses in Lockerbie