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February 2020

We are pleased to announce that The Sycamores development has been shortlisted for Best High Volume New Housing Development in the 2020 North West LABC Building Excellence Awards.

The Sycamores includes a mix of three, four and five-bedroom detached and semi-detached homes. The properties have been designed to reflect the local vernacular and will provide a variety of house designs to suit local needs.It is a sustainable and integrated development that would make an important contribution to the district’s housing supply. The New Homes Bonus of circa £304,133 per annum will be reinvested in local services over a six-year period.

Head of Production David Rimmer, said: “We are very proud that The Sycamores has been shortlisted in the 2020 LABC Awards for Best High Volume New Housing Development. We take great pride in achieving the highest standards, from the overall design of a development through to the individual finishing on each property, and this shortlist really demonstrates the care and attention to detail that goes into the homes that we build.”

A spokesperson for LABC said: “Competition has been stronger than ever this year and being shortlisted is a great accomplishment!”

LABC Warranty is the Local Authority Building Control organisation representing local authority building control team across England and Wales. The LABC awards take place regionally with the regional winners going forward into the national awards.

The 2020 North West LABC Building Excellence Awards ceremony will take place on Friday 24 April in Manchester. For more information visit LABC.


The Sycamores, Blackburn, street scene