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The Woodlands shortlisted for Constructing Excellence in the North East award

April 2016

Story Homes’ Shotley Bridge development, The Woodlands, has been shortlisted for a Constructing Excellence in the North East (CENE) award for Sustainability.

The development, which is one of our most prestigious schemes, offers sustainable, lifetime homes in rural County Durham. We worked closely with the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) to develop a community of new homes on a 31-acre site next to Shotley Bridge Hospital.

The site has been connected to an existing network of footpaths and cycle ways, in particular the former railway line ‘The Derwent Walk’ and through the historic woodland which gives the development its name.

Thanks to thoughtful design and partnership working, the development meets Level 4 in the Code for Sustainable Homes. It also meets Lifetime Homes design requirements and has been awarded the Secured by Design award for Safety.

Ian Worgan, managing director of Story Homes North East, said: “We are very pleased to have been shortlisted for this award. The Woodlands development is an example of Story Homes’ commitment to building family homes which our customers can be proud to call their home throughout their lifetime.”

The winners will be announced at the CENE Twenty Sixteen award ceremony on Friday 10th June 2016.