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Two new show homes open on Summerpark

July 2013

Visitors to Summerpark can take a look around two fantastic new show homes this weekend.

The ‘Braemar’ and the ‘Inverness’ will both open on Friday 26th July. The show homes are on the new phase of the Summerpark development in Dumfries.

The four bedroom Braemar is a detached property offering 1,236 square feet of living space. The house has been beautifully dressed internally using a blue, linen and taupe colour scheme.

The detached Inverness also offers four large bedrooms and 1,390 square feet of living space. The Inverness has been dressed in a cranberry and beige colour scheme.

Summerpark offers seven different house types, ranging from detached to semi detached or terraced, with three or four bedrooms. Buyers can take advantage of one of the many incentive packages on offer, from the Government backed Help to Buy or NewBuy schemes, to part exchange.

Visit Ann or Fiona at Summerpark everyday between 10.30am and 4.30pm to find out more about which Story Homes property is the perfect new home for you. Call 01387 259146 or 07966496184 or email

Summerpark new show homes - July 2013 Summerpark new show homes - July 2013