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Work starts on site at new development at Cumwhinton, Carlisle

March 2017

We have started work on our new site in Cumwhinton.

The development, to be known as Edenholme Park will feature a stunning collection of semi-detached and detached properties in a range of 3, 4, and 5 bedrooms which offer up to 1,905 sq ft of living space. As well as boasting high specification interiors these homes will feature attractive exteriors incorporating sandstone, brickwork and render, adding to the charm of the area and creating the stunning street scenes for which Story Homes is renowned.

Site Manager Andrew Kennedy said: “The location alone is absolutely fantastic.  We are in the first phase of site setup, which includes setting up the marketing suite, then laying down the infrastructure, roads and sewers. In a few weeks, we will be able to start building the foundations of the first plots.”

The marketing suite will open on site in April. Prior to this there will be an exclusive invitation only launch event for those who have pre-registered their interest.

Andrew continued; “What is really impressive about Story Homes is its commitment to quality throughout the build process. The exterior finish and street scenes are fantastic, but even down to joists, stud work and flooring, in places that customers will never see, is a considerably higher specification. As a site manager it gives me great pride in the job to be able to build such a high quality home for our customers.”

Edenholme Park is set to bring additional benefits, including job creation and opportunities both directly and indirectly for local suppliers, contractors, businesses and services in Cumbria.

Invitations to the exclusive launch event for ‘Edenholme Park’ will be circulated in early in the coming weeks for those who have pre-registered here.

We have started work on our new site in Cumwhinton.

The development, to be known as Edenholme Park will feature a stunning collection of semi-detached and detached properties in a range of 3, 4, and 5 bedrooms which offer up to 1,905 sq ft of living space. As well as boasting high specification interiors these homes will feature attractive exteriors incorporating sandstone, brickwork and render, adding to the charm of the area and creating the stunning street scenes for which Story Homes is renowned.

Site Manager Andrew Kennedy said: “The location alone is absolutely fantastic.  We are in the first phase of site setup, which includes setting up the marketing suite, then laying down the infrastructure, roads and sewers. In a few weeks, we will be able to start building the foundations of the first plots.”

The marketing suite will open on site in April. Prior to this there will be an exclusive invitation only launch event for those who have pre-registered their interest.

Andrew continued; “What is really impressive about Story Homes is its commitment to quality throughout the build process. The exterior finish and street scenes are fantastic, but even down to joists, stud work and flooring, in places that customers will never see, is a considerably higher specification. As a site manager it gives me great pride in the job to be able to build such a high quality home for our customers.”

Edenholme Park is set to bring additional benefits, including job creation and opportunities both directly and indirectly for local suppliers, contractors, businesses and services in Cumbria.

Invitations to the exclusive launch event for ‘Edenholme Park’ will be circulated in early in the coming weeks for those who have pre-registered.