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A day in the life of Matt Childerley, Customer Service Technician

October 2017

Matt, our Customer Service Technician, is a vital part of our North East Customer Service team, visiting customers on a daily basis and undertaking a wide variety of jobs in their homes. Find out what he gets up to during an average day…

7.30am: The first thing I do in the morning is log onto the mCare app – a handheld system that automatically updates when a job is logged by one of our Customer Service Advisors. I check the customer’s address and leave for my first appointment of the day at our Brierdene development in Backworth.

8.00am: I arrive at the first property of the day, introduce myself and explain what I am here to do. I also log in as ‘on site’ on the mCare app, which lets the Customer Service team in the office know that I have arrived. I have a brief walk through the property with the customer and go through the job sheet with them, giving them a chance to raise any queries or concerns before I get started.

11.00am: At regular points during my work, I give the customer an update on my progress and provide an estimated completion time.

12.30pm: Now that I have finished the job, I have a thorough tidy of my working area and then explain to the customer what has been done. This gives me the opportunity to let them know of any drying time or wet paint that they need to be aware of. I mark the job as complete on the mCare app and ask for the customer’s signature.

1.00pm: I start the first of my two afternoon appointments. This customer has a few queries so I make detailed notes, ready to report back to the team in the office at the end of the day.

2.30pm: Now it’s onto my final appointment, which requires materials. I can usually pick these up from the site that the job is on, which is useful as it saves a lot of time. It also means I can speak to the site team and relay information from recent appointments.

4.45pm: With all work complete, I use the last part of the day to pass any queries, photos and information onto the office-based team and arrange any follow-up work needed.