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An update on COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

March 2020

Following the Government’s advice on preventing the spread of COVID-19, Story Homes has implemented stringent health and safety policies and procedures focussed on protecting our customers and staff.

Whist we continue to monitor the situation surrounding COVID-19, we’d like to assure you that we are working extremely hard to maintain our operations. The doors to our show homes and marketing suites remain open however, we advise booking an appointment with our Sales Executives in advance of visiting us – you can do this by visiting the development pages of our website. Should anything change that may affect you, we will keep you updated as soon as possible

To help address the spread of the virus, we have also implemented additional measures across our offices and developments including:

  • Maintaining stricter hygiene routines
  • Conducting advanced cleaning for contact points
  • Increasing the provision of hygiene products

We’d also like to politely request that all customers who are planning on visiting our marketing suites and show homes adhere to the hygiene policies and guidance that is displayed. Please remember to follow Government guidance and only visit us if there is no risk that you have come into contact with Coronavirus.

If you may be experiencing Coronavirus symptoms, or have been in contact with someone who is, you can still get in touch with our Sales Executives via email or telephone, who will be more than happy to help with any queries you may have without the need to visit our marketing suites.

Please be assured that everyone at Story Homes is focussed on providing a safe homebuying experience for our customers and we thank you for your understanding during this difficult time. If you have any queries or concerns about this update, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us by speaking with the Sales Executive at your development of choice.