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Colour trends 2024

March 2024

We make a conscious effort to collaborate with our Interior Designers at Show Business Interiors, to stay informed about the latest design trends. While themes may be everchanging, our show homes always remains timeless in style. Unique wallpapers are essential in adding personality to your living space, and they are the elements that bring the entire aesthetic together.

Below is our guide for integrating the latest colour trends into your home décor. In this advisory piece, we’ll explore versatile hues that can elevate your living spaces. From creating a sophisticated atmosphere, to adding warmth and character, each colour brings its own unique charm to your home.

Clay Sombre

Elevate your home with the sophisticated allure of Clay Sombre; a soft black shade that epitomises elegance and refinement. Whether you’re aiming for a luxurious signature look or seeking to cultivate a cosy and inviting atmosphere, this versatile hue is your go-to solution. Pair it effortlessly with dark woods, khaki greens, and warm neutrals to achieve a modern and eclectic aesthetic that’s right on trend with today’s interior design landscape.

Bleu Profond

Discover the transformative power of Bleu Profond; a mid-tone blue infused with warm violet undertones. Versatile and captivating, this shade can breathe new life into any room in your home. Inspired by the enchanting midnight sky, it evokes a sense of mystery and depth, inviting you to explore a world of emotions. Consider pairing it with shades of green for a harmonious and invigorating vibe, or with cool neutrals for a serene and tranquil retreat that’s perfect for unwinding after a long day.

Apricot Crush

Infuse your living space with warmth and vitality using Apricot Crush; a radiant colour that exudes joy and positivity. Whether you’re revamping your textiles, glassware, or bedroom décor, this versatile shade pairs beautifully with neutral tones to create a balanced and cohesive look. Add a touch of light blue to enhance its tranquil charm, turning your home into a sanctuary.

Verdant Reverie

This year’s colour trend is embracing the serene allure of earthy greens, from Graham and Brown’s midtone green, Viridis, to James Hardie’s deeper hue, Mountain Sage. These nature-inspired shades are making a significant impact, resonating with their calming quality that many find inherently comforting. Beyond mere aesthetics, these hues promote wellbeing within the home, fostering a sense of tranquillity and connection to nature. Serving as a bridge between indoor and outdoor spaces, these earthy greens bring homeowners closer to the natural world, creating a harmonious environment that encourages relaxation and rejuvenation.