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Apprentices about to start an exciting story

May 2016

Aaron Evans and Story Homes site manager Kris Kirton undertaking one of the challenges at the assessment centre

Aaron Evans and Story Homes site manager Kris Kirton undertaking one of the challenges at the Newcastle assessment centre

The next generation of skilled housebuilders have been building towers and crossing minefields as part of Story Homes’ assessment centre for its new apprenticeship programme.

The housebuilder, which has developments across its key regions of Cumbria, Scotland, the North East and North West, is looking for 12 apprentices to join its business, including four in the North East region.

More than 30 applicants will be taking part in three assessment centres in Carlisle, Newcastle and Chorley, where they will be put through their paces by regional site managers and HR assessors.

The two-year programme will equip apprentices with an NVQ Level 2 in either bricklaying or joinery that will help them launch a career in the housebuilding industry.

With a combination of hands-on and college-based learning, the cohort of four North East apprentices will gain practical experience on Story Homes’ Brierdene, Backworth and Fallows Park, Wynyard developments.

Aimee Stonehouse, Talent and Development Advisor at Story Homes, said: “Developing young talent to ensure we have a sustainable workforce for the future is hugely important to Story Homes, which is why we decided to launch our own apprenticeship programme this year.

“Our assessment centres have been designed to identify team working, creativity, attention to detail and enthusiasm for the role – all key attributes that we look for when recruiting at Story Homes.

Tom Neath, 15, from Sunderland, said: I wasn’t sure what to expect at the assessment centre. It was quite nerve wracking when I first arrived but as soon as we started with the icebreaker challenge everyone started to relax and get on with the task in hand.

“It was great to have a mix of practical activities alongside the interviews as I felt like we got to know our assessors a lot better, and show off a variety of skills throughout the day.”

Story Homes’ apprenticeship programme will start in September 2016. In the first week the new starters will travel to Brathay Hall in the Lake District for a residential team-building course that aims to help them transition from school to the workplace.