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Congratulations to our Story Living magazine competition winner

February 2018

We are pleased to announce the lucky winner of the competition featured in Issue 8 of Story Living magazine.

Helen Tait from Morpeth, Northumberland has won £500 of vouchers for intu, which owns many of the UK’s large shopping centres.

Helen said: “I went to look around your Sandhills show home at Oakland Park in Morpeth as I live nearby, and I picked up a copy of Story Living. It was the first time I had seen the magazine and I really enjoyed the lifestyle articles and decorating ideas. I was so pleased when I received the phone call to say I had won. It’s a fantastic prize; I haven’t decided what I’m going to buy but there will be plenty to choose from. A big thank you to Story Homes.”

The latest edition of Story Living magazine is now available to collect free from a development near you. Our popular lifestyle magazine is packed full of design ideas, celebrity interviews, development updates and Story Homes news as well as competitions.

Congratulations Helen – we hope you enjoy spending your vouchers!