Story Homes is proposing to submit an outline planning application for up to 125 high quality new homes on the land at Jepps Lane, Barton.
We will be consulting with key stakeholders and residents adjacent to this site on their proposals for new houses, before submitting an outline planning application to Preston City Council in spring 2019.
We are proposing a development of a range of family homes from one to five beds. Up to 35% of the homes are likely to be affordable. The proposed scheme will make a significant contribution towards Preston city council’s housing requirement.
As part of the development, Story Homes will contribute around £900,000 in community infrastructure levy payments with any further contributions to be determined during the course of the planning application.
The scheme will have benefits for the local economy during the construction phase as a result of direct and indirect employment opportunities through the sub-contractor and supply chains, as well as an increased demand for local services when the new houses are occupied.
Land Manager Martin Nugent said: “The consultation is an opportunity for the residents adjacent to the site to comment and provide feedback on our plans. At Story Homes we always strive to deliver the best possible development through thoughtful planning and design.
“We believe that our product is appropriate for this site due to the high quality of our houses and also our dedication to building developments which complement the local area, through thoughtful planning and design.”
Following the consultation, which included a letter drop to the local area, Story Homes plans to submit an outline planning application to Preston City Council in spring 2019. It is hoped that the council will approve the development on the site.