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Day in the life of a Tom Bradley, sales executive at D’Urton Manor

February 2017

Tom is based at our D’Urton Manor development at Eastway in Preston. This is a strategic HCA site and we have worked closely with Preston City Council and the City Deal to deliver this development which includes 300 homes. We are eagerly awaiting our three show homes which will open in March 2017.


Tom with customers Mr and Mrs Coulton

10.00am: I arrive at work and set-up for the day. I like to arrive early to check my appointments for the day, emails and make sure I have all the information I need for my customers. I’ll also go on to site and check in with my site team and get a quick update before opening the marketing suite at 10.30am.

I also like to check in with our independent financial advisor Nigel at Acumen and also David at our solicitors Bannister to check on how our sales are progressing and if there is anything I need to chase or check on with our customers.

this is a really busy site with buyers and new customers coming in. We open our show homes in March and will have our first customer moving in just after so we are at a really important stage in the building and buying process. My purchasers are coming in to choose their options and deciding on any extras they require.


I get to know my customers really well and developing a strong rapport and relationship with them is so important. It’s a great part of my job helping them make their choices and bring their home to life.

One of my favourite parts of being a sales executive at Story Homes is meeting families who are at different stages of their lives. From first time buyers to downsizers, it’s lovely getting to know them and helping them to choose their perfect Story home.


Tom with Ian and Claire Barker

1.30pm: I put a quick call in to confirm a reservation appointment this weekend. The customers are already looking at the range of tiles and kitchen units we have so they can personalise their home. I sent them our “Select” brochure which allows them to upgrade the specification further still.

3.00pm: I check the pages on our website to make sure all of the information is correct and pull together all of the documents I need for my appointments tomorrow.

5.00pm: I make some last minute calls to confirm details for my customers. I like to get as much finished as I can each day, before shutting the marketing suite at 5.30pm.

If you are interested in joining Story Homes as a Sales Executive, we currently have vacancies in the North West.