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Free sustainable Park Bus launched for Fallows Park residents

August 2016

Wynyard Park shuttle

Residents at Story Homes’ Fallows Park development in Wynyard can now take advantage of free local transport.

Provided by Wynyard Park which manages the estate, the Park Bus shuttle offers those living on the development and their visitors access to an on-call service which will make stops at both ends of Wynyard Park, Wynyard Village, Wynyard School, Billingham town centre and the railway station.

Sales executive at Story Homes’ Fallows Park development, Sharon Brown, said: “I’m delighted that the Park Bus has started running on the site. Customers buying at Wynyard Park will have access to a range of lifestyle benefits, with a concierge service, a new gastropub, community hub and artisan shops.

“The launch of the Park Bus is the first step in these plans being brought to life over the next couple of years, as Wynyard Park develops a real community of neighbourhoods surrounded by fabulous landscaping and a woodland backdrop.”

Craig Pinder, development manager at Wynyard Park said: “We have already had a fantastic response from residents. Whether they just want to pop across to the shops at Wynyard Village or into Billingham, the Park Bus offers a convenient and sustainable transport option.”