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Halloween at Home – crafty tips and ideas

October 2017

We’ve pulled together some crafty ideas for a hauntingly good Halloween at home for the whole family to get involved with.

Perfect Pumpkins

Get into the spooky spirit by carving your very own pumpkin with these top tips:

Click for more stencil ideas

Click for more stencil ideas

  • Bigger is better! Lighter skin is softer and easier to carve – but watch out for bruises.
  • Stencils are a great way to stay on track.
  • A small, sharp knife allows you to get creative with details, while a carving knife is great to create a lid and add air holes.
  • Grab an ice-cream scoop and dig. The more insides you remove, the more light your pumpkin can give off.
  • For indoor pumpkins, add a sprinkle of cinnamon for a warming aroma throughout your home.


Tasty Treats banana-popsicles

Keep the little ones happy with some tasty treats like Boonana’s.

Simply pop a halved banana on a popsicle stick and dip into melted white chocolate before chilling. Chocolate chips also make great eyes!


Freaky Frankenstein frankenstein-bag

Get the kids involved and create a personalised bag for trick-or-treating.

Wrap an empty cereal box in green paper and add some shaggy hair using crepe paper, not forgetting eyes and a crooked smile. Lastly, cover some old corks in tin foil and glue to complete the look!


Haunted Home 

Click the image for more decorations

Click the image for more decorations

No Halloween is complete without a garish giant spider.

Grab an empty milk container, a roll of black tape, some kitchen roll tubes and start wrapping. Glue feathers from a black boa to create a hairy body for the super scary look.

For more great tips and ideas for all occasions, visit our lifestyle section to bring your Story Home to life.