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Handover to Brampton Rural Housing Society

April 2012

New house handover to Brampton Rural Housing SocietyHanding over the key at Brampton Rural Housing SocietyThe society, which is a self-financing charitable housing association, has bought a total of 10 two or three-bedroom houses from us to be rented out to long-standing tenants.

It was part of the planning conditions on the 42-house development that that we would provide a set number of affordable homes for rent to help address the issue locally.

Eighty-year-old Margaret Stobbart is among the new tenants who have moved into Edmondson Close. Margaret, who lived in a house in Milton for the previous 60 years, is pictured in the garden of her new home sitting on her favourite bench which she brought with her. She said: “It was quite a wrench leaving but these are lovely houses. You can’t fault them. They have got all the mod cons and you can walk into town.”

Ian Sewell, Story Homes’ managing director, attended the handover with site manager Mark Irving and society chairman John Holland. John said: “This joint venture with Story Homes is so valuable.”

Left to right: Mark Irving, Ian Sewell and John Holland