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New homes for Stainburn in Cumbria

August 2017

Story Homes is delighted to announce our new development to be known as ‘Cairns Park’ in Stainburn.

Allerdale Borough Council have granted planning permission for proposals to build up to 25 homes on land adjacent to our current development, Cairns Chase.

The development will boost the supply of much needed new homes and make a positive contribution towards the supply of affordable housing in the area.

This high-quality and sensitive scheme will complement the existing character of the village, provide open space for use by the whole community, and will see further investment into the play area to upgrade this public amenity.

Susan Pollard, Sales Manager for Story Homes said; “Our homes at Cairns Chase have been very popular and we’ve already got a list of people who are interested in our new homes at Cairns Park who are eagerly awaiting our exclusive launch event.

“Cairns Park will feature a superb collection of two, three, four and five- bedroom terraced, semi detached and detached properties offering up to 1905 sq ft of living space. As well as boasting a high specification throughout, the homes will feature attractive exteriors incorporating brick, render and stone, adding to the charm of the area and creating the stunning street scenes for which Story Homes is renowned.”

We will be starting construction work this summer, with the first residents due to be moving into their new homes in early 2018. The development will provide local contractors with opportunities to tender for work, and there will be knock on benefits for local supply chains and other local businesses and services.

At present, we have not released availability, prices or timescales. To register your interest in buying a home please visit the marketing suite at Cairns Chase or enter your details below.