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New sales outlet at Priory View, Finchale

June 2020

We are delighted to share the news that from Thursday 11 June, we will have an on-site sales presence at Priory View, Finchale.

We know you are excited to see our new show homes at Priory View, we are too, but unfortunately, we aren’t quite ready to open the doors to our show home just yet.

So for now, our helpful Sales Executive Kath will be available for safe, 1-2-1 appointments with customers in our cabin at the development in County Durham.

To book a 1-2-1 appointment with Kath you can visit our Priory View development page and click ‘book an appointment’ or alternatively you can give us a call, Thursday-Monday on 01916 407977. We have a limited number of appointments available at this highly-anticipated development, so please book today to secure yours and avoid disappointment.

Priory View will be a high-quality development of 92 homes from The Story Collection, each strong in build and character. We have released prices for the first 4 and 5-bedroom homes at the development, but don’t worry if you’re looking for a 3-bedroom home, these prices will be released soon.