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NHBC figures reveal ten year high for new build registrations

January 2018

With the NHBC (National House Building Council) reporting that UK new build registrations last year were the highest since 2007, our CEO, Steve Errington, shares his thoughts.

The number of homes registered to be built in 2017 increased six per cent to 160,606 homes, according to the NHBC figures. Meanwhile, new home completions lifted four per cent to 147,278 homes against 2016 figures.

Nine out of 12 UK regions saw increases in new build registrations, with the North West experiencing some of the highest growth – a twelve per cent increase to 16,947 homes.

Steve Errington said: “In a year of political uncertainty and a number of external factors affecting the industry, it is great news that the housebuilding sector has continued to grow at an impressive rate.

“These statistics are reflected in the growth of our own business, which has continued throughout 2017/18 as we work towards our plans to hand over 1,000 homes at more than 30 developments across the North. This will build on our success in 2016/17, which saw the delivery of 807 legal completions; a 43 per cent increase on the previous year.

“In line with the reported twelve per cent increase in registrations in the North West, we have noted the strength of the market in this region over the past year. We are proud to be part of this; this year our North West regional team will deliver more than 350 homes and has several schemes in the planning stages.

“It is important that quality is not only sustained but also improved across the industry as these registration numbers rise. At Story Homes, we pride ourselves on a high quality product. Our retention of our five-star rating for customer satisfaction from the Home Builders Federation at a time when our business has grown so significantly is a real testament to a dedicated workforce which reflects our company values of quality and pride in the job.

“We are in a strong position to reach our targets and continue our rapid growth in the year ahead, and we are looking forward to what is to come.”