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Nick McLellan appointed as Vice Chair of the RTPI’s Young Planners in the North East

October 2016


The Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) has appointed Nick McLellan as Vice Chair of the Young Planners in the North East.

A strategic planner based in our North East office, Nick will join the Steering Group Committee to help organise a variety of social and educational events including study tours, seminars and social get-togethers in the region.

Open to planning students, licentiates and corporate members of the RTPI will less than 10 years’ post-qualification experience, the group is designed to encourage networking and best practice sharing amongst young professionals in the industry.

Nick said: “I have been a member of the RTPI’s Young Planners in the North East group for more than three years now. With more than 60 young professionals who are part of the group, I have found it to be a great way to build professional friendships and contacts within the planning industry.

“I am very pleased to have been appointed Vice Chair so that I can help organise activities for 2017, which I’m confident will be another interesting and fun year for the group.”