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Opportunities to feedback on Camelot plans still exist

July 2016

Following the recent public consultation events held to discuss the development of the former Camelot Theme Park, there is still an opportunity for the local community to feedback.

Story Homes has presented scaled back plans for a development of 200 homes on the site. Events took place in Charnock Richard and Heskin on Thursday 21 and Saturday 23 July, with more than 100 people providing feedback. This follows meetings with Key Stakeholders including attendance at public Council meetings at Heskin, Charnock Richard and Eccleston Parish Councils.

Opportunities to view plans and have your say are still available via

David O’Reilly, Head of Land and Planning for Story Homes said: “Visitors to our consultations have positively contributed to the consultation and have welcomed the proposed number of new homes falling significantly, with 200 new high quality homes now planned. We have continued to listen to feedback and undertaken further site investigation work to reach this figure.

“There is a balance to be reached between the number of new homes delivered and the community benefits that can be provided on and off site, with plans to deliver affordable homes for local people, improved walking and cycling paths and open green space for the whole community to enjoy. The process of exploring what these community benefits are and what the local community would prefer to see delivered is one of the reasons why we have held a number of varied consultation events.Camelot470

“If anybody did not get a chance to drop in and feedback during the sessions, you can still have your say. We do not plan to submit an application until later in the year, and we would like as many members of the community to get involved as possible before we do submit plans.

“The former Camelot theme park is in desperate need of regeneration and we want to replace this eyesore with a high quality scheme that local residents and businesses will be proud of.”