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Partying in the street for Queens birthday!

June 2016

The residents at Story Homes Crindledyke development organised a street party in honour of the Queens 90th Birthday.

Festivities kicked off with afternoon tea and a fancy dress competition for the children on Charlton way. Prizes for the best dressed were awarded by Story Homes Builder Bear. There were plans to move the party onto Kinmont way for cocktails and then finally onto the green at Crindledyke for a barbeque, but everyone was having such a great time that they stayed put.


The fancy dress competitors

Methodist Deacon Melanie Beaven, who has been working with the community for two years and was the driving force in getting together a team of residents to plan the party said “We’ve had such a great day. It’s such a lovely community here at Crindledyke and it’s the perfect excuse to get together and have a party. ”

Sales Manager Hayley Blair said “It’s brilliant that the residents have created such a sense of community. Everyone looked like they’d had a whale of a time and the kids were so excited to see Builder Bear. This what we are aiming for when we’re building homes, not to build houses but to create a vibrant and happy neighbourhood”

If you are interested in moving to Crindledyke the marketing suite and show home are open Thursday to Monday from 10.30am to 4.30pm or call Jane or Jenna on 07970026183.