Proposed Plans for new Homes in Lanchester, County Durham
Plans for 150 new homes in Lanchester, County Durham, will bring a number of key economic benefits to the area.
Story Homes are proposing to build the homes on land close to Newbiggen Lane in the village. A public consultation will take place at Lanchester Community Centre, Newbiggen Lane, Lanchester, Co. Durham, DH7 0JQ on Monday 3 March 2014 between 2.00pm and 7.00pm.
New development will inevitably bring economic benefits to the village including the creation of up to 120 jobs for sub contractors and the supply chain through the life of the development, knock on support for local businesses and help to achieve the local authority’s future housing supply needs.
As well as this, the estimated contribution from Council Tax payments and a New Homes Bonus payment made to the local authority is more than £2.5 million over a six year period.
Some of the key features of the proposed development in Lanchester will include:
- A quality mix of housing ranging from two to five bedroom homes, including bungalows
- Landscaping the edge of the development to create an appealing entrance to the village and to attract new wildlife
- High quality family homes with a traditional appearance in-keeping with the village
- 20% of the homes designated as ‘affordable’ at discount market value or rental through a social landlord
- A linear parkscape area for both new and existing residents to enjoy
- A footpath link connecting the Lanchester Valley Railway Path to Newbiggen Lane and nearby community allotments
- A new sustainable drainage system to decrease the risk of flooding in the wider area
For more information about the proposed development in Lanchester, please visit the Story Homes land and planning pages.