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Pupils at St Bede’s sprint to the finish to showcase the skills honed over a four year sports programme.

July 2016

The Carlisle primary school have been taking part in the School Sports Coaching Scheme sponsored by Story Homes.

Over the past 4 years the scheme has delivered various sporting activities in local primary schools across Cumbria. Following an application and selection process, chosen schools have been provided with a range of fun and exciting sports activities, through Cumbrian SPAA Foundations  (SPAAF) Community Sports Coaches including Basketball, Handball, Tennis, Athletics and Hockey.

Michael Barnes school sport co-ordinator and senior coach at SPAAF “Everyone has had so much fun today. Our thanks  goes out to everyone involved and also to Story Homes for supporting this project and whose support  has  benefited so many children”

Megan Cook, coach from St Bede’s Primary said “The whole school has really benefited from the scheme.  We’ve done a little of bit of everything; multi skills, hockey, tri-golf, tag rugby and athletics. Some of the children have never played these sports before so it’s given them with a great chance to experience and learn something new.”

Children competed for their house, either for the red, blue, green and yellow teams, at shot put, hurdles, javelin and the 50m sprint. The green’s were the winning team and will be officially awarded the trophy during school assembly this week along with medals for all participants.

Head teacher Mrs McMillan said “Sport can really make an impact on self esteem, attitude and behaviour and it is an area where some children can really excel. As well as the children picking up new skills and terminology, the teachers are learning too.”

Ian Storey Managing Director of Story Homes said “A sports day is a fantastic way of bringing school children together to celebrate each other’s achievements and to really enjoy a fun and active day. This programme was all about supporting children and teachers in sport and Story Homes is proud to have been associated with SPAAF.”

Building on the legacy of the 2012 Olympics, the project aimed to inspire children to take part in sport, encourage children to lead a healthier lifestyle and to provide opportunities for children to continue to take part in activities out of school, within a local sports club.