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Site safety lessons for Dumfries school pupils

November 2013

Noblehill School Visit - 11 October 2013 (1)Children in Dumfries had an important lesson in site safety from a well know local character.

Story Homes’ mascot Builder Bear made a special appearance when primary 3 and 4 pupils from Noblehill School in Dumfries visited Story Homes Summerpark development.

The aim of the visit was to learn about the various stages and timescales of house building, as well as staying safe and not using building sites as play grounds. A health and safety manager and the general site manager from Story Homes walked two groups of 30 children around the Summerpark development, pointing out the various stages, materials and hazards of site.

Story Homes Summerpark development is a long term project to bring up to 850 new homes to Dumfries. More than 100 properties are already completed with many more sold and under construction.

Sean Trodden, Health and Safety Manager for Story’s said: “Site health and safety is a very important issue, not just for our staff but also for the communities in which we work. A lot of the children live close to our site or enjoy seeing the machinery coming and going. The message we wanted to get across was that while building sites may seem exciting, children need to be aware of the dangers of playing too close.”

To find out more about Summerpark, Dumfries, click here.Noblehill School Visit - 11 October 2013 (20)