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‘Hard Hat’ event at Brougham Fields, Penrith

December 2023

Join us for our ‘Hard Hat’ event at Brougham Fields, on 13 and 14 January where behind the scenes tours will be taking place at 11am, 12pm and 2pm. 

This is a rare opportunity to have a look around the site and witness the beautiful location that our final two releases are situated in. You’ll be guided by our knowledgeable Site Manager who will be on hand to answer any burning questions you may have.

Our Sales Executive will also be available to talk you through all of the features and benefits of our last two remaining homes, and how you can secure one for yourself.

With over 98% already sold, you don’t want to miss out. This is your opportunity to get a feel for our homes before they’re gone. Simply bring your wellies and we’ll provide the rest!

There are only limited spaces available, book your appointment here to secure your place. We look forward to seeing you there!