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Story Homes funding six local Schools to build on the legacy of the 2012 Olympics

December 2012

To help build on the legacy of the successfull 2012 Olympics, Story Homes has funded the delivery of an exciting sporting programme for six local schools – potentially including 500 primary school children. This is in partnership with Carlisle and District Sport and Physical Activity Alliance Foundation (SPAAF).

The sports sessions will be delivered by SPAAs experienced and fully trained coaches. The Schools involved in the pilot scheme are: Brook Street, Newtown School, Bishop Harvey Goodwin, St Cuthberts, Kirkbampton and Rockcliffe.

As well as having fun the children will take part in both competitive and individual games with an emphasis on enjoyment. They will learn about rules and regulations as well as tactical information. The coaches will promote health, hygiene and fitness so children can understand various factors relating to sporting activities. As well as helping with fitness the programme promotes confidence and self esteem and motivates and inspires children to achieve and succeed in sport.

Fred Story, CEO, Story Homes commented: “Encouraging sport at an early age is so beneficial. I hope the scheme will promote the principles of fair competition and having fun, whilst bringing improvements to health and encouraging the will to win.”

Story Homes funds six Carlisle schools sports scheme