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Story Homes sponsors Chorley Carnival entertainment

June 2015

The arena entertainment at the annual Chorley Carnival will this year be sponsored by Story Homes.

Story Homes is sponsoring the two day event entertainment, and this is set to include Emmerdale star Danny Miller (Aaron Livesy), Zippos Festival Circus, The Jez Avery Stunt Show, Tricks 4 Treads Dog Show and Van Buren’s Magic & Illusion Show recently seen on ‘Get Your Act Together’ teaching Sherrie Hewson how to spin plates.

The carnival will features lots more activities for the family, including the parade, and is set to be a great weekend out.

Story Homes currently has development in Lancaster and Kirkham, and has sites coming soon in Cottam and Clitheroe as well as opportunities across the county.

The carnival takes place on Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 June 2015 at Astley Park, Chorley. For more information visit: