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Amended planning application submitted for new development in Appleby

July 2014

Proposed development land in Appleby

Proposed development land in Appleby

Changes to a planning application for new homes in Appleby have now been submitted to the local authority.

New information has been submitted to demonstrate the suitable retention of the existing railway pedestrian crossing adjacent to the proposed Story Homes housing development in Appleby.

Following feedback from the community and Ramblers Association that favoured retention of the route and obtaining professional advice, Story Homes proposes to maintain the existing crossing as submitted in an amendment planning application to Eden District Council.  The application includes detailed evidence appropriately demonstrating stopping up as not being necessary.

Adam McNally, Development Planner for Story Homes said: “We have been stuck between a ‘rock and hard place’ in trying to achieve an acceptable solution to the requirements enforced as a result of Network Rail’s original objection to the application.  In carrying out a thorough risk assessment and legal analysis, it has become clear that stopping up would be an unjustifiable action to take and highly likely fail when tested by public inquiry process.  This is clearly something which we wish to avoid as we want to start delivering in Appleby as soon as possible”.

Story Homes is proposing to build 142 homes in Appleby on the land at Cross Croft. These would include 2, 3 and 4 bedroom properties ranging from terraced to semi-detached and detached with attractive mixture of local sandstone, brick and render.

The development would bring much needed housing to the area including a proportion of affordable housing, helping to meet the housing needs of the local authority. New jobs would also be created directly and indirectly through the local supply chain and sub contractors, lasting throughout the build stages. New development is also known to support current local amenities such as local shops and transport services.

An application has now been submitted to Eden District Council and a decision is likely following public consultation in the coming weeks.