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Cockermouth Beer Festival say ‘Cheers’ to Story Homes

November 2016

One of Cockermouth’s biggest charitable events of the year has been topped up by Story Homes.

Cockermouth Beer Festival taking place this weekend is an annual, non-profit making event that relies on volunteers and the generous support of local business and organisations.

Last year’s event raised nearly £7,000 towards good causes in the Cockermouth area, and the team of volunteers are hoping to raise much more this year.

Sales Manager Susan Pollard said “We look to help community groups and events where we can, and we’re delighted to support this community fundraising event. The proceeds make such a great difference to local charities and causes and is run entirely by volunteers.”

The festival will be held in the Kirkgate Centre from Thursday 1 December until Saturday 3 December 2016. Further information is available online and tickets can be bought in advance from the Kirkgate Centre.

Geoff Chambers said “This event attracts not only people from Cockermouth, but also real ale enthusiasts and tourists from all over Cumbria and the UK.

“It’s thanks to the support of local business such as Story Homes that the event can even take place. The money raised in reinvested in the local community and really does make such an impact.”

Sustainable Story is our commitment to giving something back to their local communities. For many years, we have been known as an organisation which supports local community groups, events and charities.

Construction is now underway at ‘Strawberry Grange’  our development in Cockermouth with the first homes due to be complete in early 2017. The onsite marketing suite is open Thursday to Monday from 10am until 4pm or find out more on our development pages.