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New aerial images show how High Wood has changed

May 2015

New aerial photographs commissioned by Story Homes show how much the site High Wood, Lancaster has changed in the past ten months.

Sales of the high quality homes have been robust, with 37 homes selling within the same time period. There are now over 47 homes occupied with the first family making High Wood their home in May  2014. The development has proved popular with families, and customers have commented that at High Wood “there is a lovely community feel and it’s very family friendly”.


High Wood in May 2015


High Wood in July 2014

High Wood is a development built on land of the former Lancaster Moor Hospital site and will provide the city of Lancaster with 197 high quality homes. Story Homes worked closely with the Homes and Community Agency (HCA) to deliver the project and  the site has already proved to be an award-winner for the business, winning the ‘Best Development Lancashire’ at the prestigious UK Property Awards 2014.

Prime Minister David Cameron visited High Wood in May 2015 to promote the Help to Buy scheme which has helped over a third of all Story Homes‘ customers to buy the home of their dreams. Mr Cameron admired the new homes and after laying a brick on one of the new homes, took time out of his busy schedule to talk to residents.

High Wood was the first site in Lancashire for Story Homes and the business will see its second development, Brookwood Park, Kirkham, launch in spring of this year. Story Homes also has plans in the pipeline for new developments in Clitheroe and Cottam.

For further information on all Story Homes’ developments in Lancashire, click here.