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Our reaction to the Spring Budget 2017

March 2017

Comments on the Spring Budget from our CEO, Steve Errington.

Following the Housing White Paper just a few months ago, it comes as no surprise that there were no specific housing measures pledged in this week’s Spring Budget.

However it was very encouraging to see the introduction of new T-level qualifications, as there is a real need to help young people build and develop the technical skills which the construction industry so desperately needs. Increasing the total number of teaching hours to 900 per year and ensuring a high quality three month work placement will make a huge difference to develop our future workforce.

At Story Homes we recognise the importance of investing in young talent and are proud to have opened the application process for this year’s Aspire Apprenticeship Scheme this week. Twelve new apprentices will be recruited into our business this September to learn technical, bricklaying and joinery trades.

It’s reassuring to see the Chancellor place such importance on opportunities for future generations, including his commitment to ensuring that they will all be able to access the housing market. However I would have liked to see a change to the stamp duty levy which could have been reduced to support today’s homebuyers who are looking to secure a place on, or move up, the housing ladder.