The closing date for Help to Buy applications in Scotland has been extended to 31 January 2017.
This extra time allows Story Homes to offer the scheme to customers for homes that will be ready for moving in by 31 March 2017 and are priced between £200,000 and £230,000.
The scheme is open to first time buyers as well as existing homeowners and provides help for up to 15% of the purchase price of an affordable new build home.
Head of Sales, Hayley Blair said; “This is excellent news for those who thought they were going to miss the applications deadline and are looking to buy a home priced between £200,000 and £230,000.
“If your application to the scheme is eligible, the Scottish Government will help you to buy a new build home so you don’t have to fund all of it.
“For further information speak to one of our Sales Executives at Summerpark, Dumfries or Pentland Reach, Biggar who will be happy to assist.”
The Help to Buy (Scotland) Affordable New Build Scheme is a Scottish Government scheme which aims to help first time buyers and existing homeowners to buy an affordable new build home. Story Homes is delighted to be one of the participating housebuilders able to offer this popular scheme to housebuyers.
There are maximum ceiling figures which will apply to the price of a home that you are able to buy with assistance from the scheme. You cannot buy a home under the scheme if it is more than the applicable ceiling figure. The maximum threshold figures are:
For financial year 2016/17 which is for purchases which complete on or before 31st March 2017, the threshold price is £230,000
For financial year 2017/18 which is for purchases which complete on or before 31st March 2018, the threshold price is £200,000
For financial year 2018/19 which is for purchases which complete on or before 31st March 2019, the threshold price is £175,000
For further information and a full list of terms and conditions see our Help To Buy (Scotland) leaflet or speak to one of our Sales Executives at Summerpark, Dumfries or Pentland Reach, Biggar where they will be happy to assist.