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Sports Foundation supported by Story Homes is named Best New Social Enterprise

March 2014

SPAAF team with their award

The Cumbrian Sport and Physical Activity Alliance Foundation

A Cumbria sports foundation has been named ‘Best New Social Enterprise of the Year’.

The Cumbrian Sport and Physical Activity Alliance Foundation (SPAAF) scooped the award at the Social Enterprise North West Awards Ceremony on Friday 14 March in Blackpool. SPAAF were shortlisted along with 10 other companies across the North West region for the award of Best New Social Enterprise 2014.

One of the foundation’s projects includes delivering weekly sports coaching to nine Carlisle schools on behalf of Story Homes. SPAAF, in partnership with Story Homes Chairman Fred Story, have been running the scheme for eighteen months, with Story Homes funding the sporting opportunities for hundreds of local school children. Feedback from pupils, schools and parents has proved the success of the scheme in growing confidence, teamwork and sporting skills.

Garry Schubert, Development Manager for SPAAF, said: “I am absolutely delighted that we have been named best new social enterprise in the North West. The work we have done over the last year to eighteen months has made a real impact on sporting opportunities for local children and communities and we hope that we can continue to grow this across Cumbria in the next year. We have a fantastic team who are all very dedicated to sport and the community and it’s great for them to have their effort and commitment recognised too.”

Garry Shubert and Jim Crowe

Social Enterprise North West Awards Ceremony

SPAAF aims to provide enjoyable, sustainable and affordable sport, physical activity and active recreation opportunities, accessible by whole communities and contributing to the health and wellbeing of residents. The foundation was established in January 2012 and has been involved with various programmes and projects across schools and communities.

Social Enterprise North West (SENW) was established as a regional network of social enterprises. The SENW Excellence in Social Enterprise Awards included nine categories open to social enterprises across Cheshire, Cumbria, Lancashire, Manchester and Merseyside. The nine categories included; Large Social Enterprise, Small Social Enterprise, New Social Enterprise, Coop of the Year, Environmental Excellence, Excellence in Partnership, Employee of the year, Social Entrepreneur of the year, North West Social Enterprise of the year.

For more information about SPAAF visit: