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5 things to love about The Lawson

September 2022

We asked our customers, Paige and Liam, what they loved most about their 4-bedroom Lawson and here’s the top 5 things they chose:

1. The entrance and the curved staircase

2. The large open plan kitchen/dining/family area for hosting at Christmas

3. The kitchen island and bi-fold doors

4. The hotel-esque dressing area in the main bedroom

5. The storage space

Paige and Liam outside their Lawson at St John's Manor

Read why they love these features…

“As soon as we stepped inside, we knew it had to be ours. The feeling of walking in just felt like home. The entrance and the curved staircase felt like total luxury, and we’d always talked about a kitchen island and bi-fold doors being features of our ‘dream house’.

“Liam used to be a part-time chef while studying at university, and although he wasn’t a fan of the Saturday night shifts, he still has a huge passion for cooking. We could just imagine the big family Christmas gatherings we’d host in there, with more than enough entertaining space and no need for people to be in other rooms – or risking spilling red wine on cream carpets!”

“Our favourite room is definitely the back of the house. The kitchen is so spacious. We love the versatility of having a breakfast bar, dining space and also room for a seating area. We also have a TV in there so it’s lovely to come down in the morning and have a cup of tea while breakfast is on the go.

“Another massive factor was the storage space and potential for wardrobes. I absolutely love the storage cupboards throughout the house where I can put unsightly vacuums, ironing boards and whatever else I can cram in. The dressing area in the main bedroom just amazes me every day, there’s so much room but it doesn’t take up actual bedroom space so literally feels like our own hotel room at times!”

Read the full customer case study here.