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Story Homes breaks Profit Track 100 record with seventh listing

April 2018

We have been listed in The Sunday Times BDO Profit Track 100 for the fourth consecutive year – breaking a record by being listed for the seventh time overall.

Now in its 19th year, the annual league table ranks Britain’s top 100 private companies with the fastest-growing profits.

Our inclusion in this year’s rankings follows on from our recognition in other high profile league tables in recent years, including the Virgin Fast Track 100 and Grant Thornton Top Track 250.

Founder and CEO Fred Story said: “I am very pleased that we have again made the list of the 100 companies with the fastest-growing profits in the UK, in a year when we have seen the most significant growth in the company’s history as well as various challenges in the construction industry.

“We are moving into a year of consolidation for 2018/19, making operational effectiveness our priority to ensure we remain focused on building high quality homes, providing an excellent sales journey to customers and ensuring that customers are fully satisfied and supported once they move into their new homes.”