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Story Homes launches Contractor Customer Charter

September 2018

North West subcontactors met with, founder and CEO of Story Homes, Fred Story as we launched our new Contractor Customer Charter outlining behaviour and standards we expect from our contractors on developments across the group.

More than 40 of our subcontractors attended the first event in Lancashire, which was held at our Willows Edge development in Wrea Green and hosted by Fred Story and the North West production team.

Subcontractors had the opportunity to learn more about current performance and regional growth plans, feedback on working with the developer, and hear about the Contractor Customer Charter. The Charter outlines the type of behaviour and standards our business expects from its contractors whilst working on and around our developments.

With a commitment to maintaining the high quality of its homes and customer service, we identified that our supply chain partners are integral to these priorities, so we looked at ways to engage with them more effectively.

Head of Production for North West, David Rimmer said: “We believe that supporting and developing our valuable supply chain partners is now more important to us than ever.

“We need to have a strong, reliable supply of partners who feel a genuine commitment to our customers, values and business and the Contractor Customer Charter will help us deliver a consistent customer focused approach across our developments with our subcontractors.”

John King, Managing Directors at NFS Ltd said: “ “I’ve found the session very useful and informative. It’s been great to meet Fred Story and the wider team from the North West, understanding where the business is going and of course signing up to the Contractor Customer Charter to cement professional standards across the board.”