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First look at Brougham Fields, Carleton in Penrith

September 2020

This week we have reached an important milestone for Brougham Fields in Carleton, Penrith with plot one at first lift and the start of the SUDs pond.

Brougham Fields, which is located on Carleton Road, will comprise 149 high quality two, three, four and five-bedroom homes, and 44 of these properties will be delivered as affordable homes for local people.

This brand new development is located in the market town of Penrith and surrounded by beautiful scenery of the Lake District and Eden Valley. The development is close to the A66 which links to the M6 motorway, and Penrith train station is a short drive away.

We are looking to launch the development to the public soon, so keep an eye out for more information in the coming months.